Family Healthcare with Dr Hilary Jones
Family Healthcare with Dr Hilary Jones

This magazine was designed to fill an important gap in the healthcare market. It was a specialised, highly informative, panacea, to the most important and topical healthcare issues affecting the modern family in the UK today.
The ethos of Family Healthcare was to empower the readers to make those all-important health and lifestyle changes for themselves. The content was written exclusively by Dr Hilary Jones and his team of experts and when the content was combined with the specific brands who advertised it provided the readers with an invaluable solution to their individual healthcare needs.
Family Healthcare was distribution nationally through newsagents and Doctors surgeries and it enabled the pharmaceutical companies to launch many new brands and services into the healthcare market (85% of brands re-advertising in each issue). The result was a unique publication of lasting value that provided a “brand community” by association for all the stakeholders. Dr Hilary Jones felt the magazine would help to cut down on the number of ‘general doctor appointments’ allowing them to concentrate on patients with more important healthcare issues.
March 30, 2019 10:11 pm
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